This course gives you an interesting and fun way to get started with reinforcement learning (RL) on DeepRacer. RL is an advanced machine learning (ML) technique that takes a very different approach to training models than other machine learning methods. Its super power is that it learns very complex behaviors without requiring any labeled training data. Our hands-on labs can help you learn , start training reinforcement learning models and test them in an exciting, autonomous car racing experience.
Course Outline:
Introducing the Game
Why DeepRacer?
About this Course
Module 1: How It Works
Reinforcement Learning
DeepRacer and AWS Services
Action Space
Discrete or Continuous Action Space
Reward Function
Reward Function Example
Lab: Creating Your 1st DeepRacer Model
Lab: Evaluating Models with Simulation
Module 2: Advanced Reward Function
Cloning a Trained Model and Starting a New Training Pass
Input Parameters of the AWS DeepRacer Reward Function
Lab: Advancing the Model with Custom Reward Function