

Training the students to have the skills of Machine Learning is a very good career development for the students and provide foundation for them to further develop their projects in their further studies. However, how to raise their interests and learning motivation is always a challenge. Therefore, we introduce this training integrated with DeepRacer which is a small-scaled project based on racing car development It was introduced by Amazon Web Service AWS in 2018 and recognized as an efficient way to study Reinforcement Learning RL. This project initiative brings a fun way to learn machine learning, especially RL, using an autonomous racing car, a 3D online racing simulator to build your model, and competition to race. RL is an advanced machine learning (ML) technique that takes a very different approach to train models than other machine learning methods. Its superpower is that it learns very complex behaviors without requiring any labeled training data and can make short term decisions while optimizing for a longer-term goal.

With AWS DeepRacer, students have a way to get hands-on with RL, experiment, and learn through autonomous driving. They would get started with the virtual car and tracks in the cloud-based 3D racing simulator to get familiar with the technologies. For a real-world experience, they can deploy their trained models onto real AWS DeepRacers and race in the global AWS DeepRacer league. It is the world’s first global autonomous racing league for developers.

Enterprises are using DeepRacer for hands-on training for their workforce in machine learning. Over 150 customers from the likes of Capital One Financial Corp., DBS Bank Ltd., Accenture PLC, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) and Toyota Motor Corp. have held DeepRacer events for their workforces. Their employees are also encouraged to develop their talent beyond the bank’s league and compete globally – the bank said six of its employees have already qualified for the AWS DeepRacer Championship Cup to be held in Las Vegas later this year.

Our Training Program

We are helping you prepare for this trend and have a better future, as our dedications on educating the next generation! 
Our 21-hour training program consists of the following modules:
a. Machine Learning Concepts, 3 hours
b. Reinforcement Learning, 6 hours
c. AWS DeepRacer, 9 hours
d. Mini-League, 3 hours

This training is also intended for students to take the CloudTechPro Certified Associate (Reinforcement Learning RL with DeepRacer) examination which helps them gain competitive advantage in fast advancing information technology (IT) industry. Once they pass the examination, they will be given the CloudTechPro Certified Associate certificate which can facilitate their competitiveness when looking for IT or IT-related jobs in this area.