Posts tagged: Virtual-Live Learning

HomePosts tagged: Virtual-Live Learning

Why Hybrid Learning is the New Normal?

What is hybrid learning? Hybrid learning sounds like a new type of learning model and is becoming more popular these days. The hybrid class allows teaching to be held face-to-face while allowing students to join online. In other words, it is a combination of traditional classrooms and virtual-live classes. In hybrid learning, teacher and students are required to have their …

What Is The Best Way For A Student to Learn?

Type of online remote classes The COVID-19 pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide. The apparent changes for educational insituties and learning centres are that they have no way but change to remote online classes to replace classroom lessons when most governments asked people to stay at home in an attempt to reduce the spread of the virus. Depends on the preference of different educational …

Key Benefits on Hand-on Learning

What Is The Best Way For A Student to Learn? ‘Best’ is a subjective term, but certain learning styles offer clear advantages over others, depending on the subject(s) of study. Below are several core learning styles commonly practiced in the classroom from grade school to college: Visual learning, often called “book” learning, has long been the prevailing method, compelling students …